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Friday, October 7, 2011

SAT Vocab 3

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SAT Vocab 3

Match the correct word with the definition.

a. exodus b. renegade c. retribution d. scourge e. taciturn f. hurtle
g. agnostic h. caustic i. terse j. uncanny

  1. A person or thing that causes great trouble or misfortune
  2. to move or to fling swiftly and with great force
  3. not fond of talking; usually silent
  4. weird; strange; so keen or acute as to seem bizarre
  5. one who deserts one side in favor of another; traitor; outlaw
  6. biting; stingingly sharp or sarcastic
  7. brief and to the point
  8. something justly deserved, especially a punishment
  9. one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven
  10. mass departure or emigration

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