This blog is a helpful resource for students and parents to keep track of the learning in the classroom. If there are any discrepancies between classroom instructions and this blog, the former will always be correct.
Teacher Links
Videos of the Day
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Crusades
Roots of Crusade
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Worst Job Ever!
Dirtiest Jobs in the World!
What do you think is the worst job in the world. Look at both of these sites and make a choice. What do they do? Why is it a bad job? Why do you think it is so bad?
Post your comments on the comment link below!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Bayeux Tapestry
Read the Bayeux Tapestry (p. 38). Create an, "I Wonder," comic journal as you read the story.
Complete questions #2,3,4,6
Monday, October 31, 2011
TOEFL Practice
TOEFL Homepage
Free Practice
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Biography vs. Autobiography

View the video tribute on Nelson Mandela in the Videos of the Day!
- Take notes on what you see and hear.
- Read the Autobiography, "from Long Walk to Freedom" and answer questions #1c, 1d, and 3. Online Autobiography
- Piece together the information you have gathered and prepare a short (150 word paragraph) on Nelson Mandela's impact on the South African Nation.
Note Mandela's effect in prison and if he stays true to his commitment in his life pursuit of the abolition of Apartheid, and search for democracy in South Africa.
Persuassion Map
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
ESL Vocabulary
Visual Vocabulary:
Picture Word Quiz!
General Level:
Advanced Level:
Test your Language Skills!

Look at the Top 10 List, and create a top 10 list of your own using 10 words with definitions!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Harrison Bergeron English 10 Task
1. Create a new Glog.
2. Refer to the short story. Your task is to create a web page for the Handicapper General.
3. Include the following using texts, images, and videos: a profile of the Handicapper General, the rules of society (give examples of some handicaps given in the story), the role of the H-G Men in society, the announcement (p. 61) of the dangerous criminal - Harrison Bergeron, the title of the story and author.
4. You may also include the short story trailer featured in the Videos of the Day!
Friday, October 7, 2011
SAT Vocab 3
SAT Vocab 3
Match the correct word with the definition.
a. exodus b. renegade c. retribution d. scourge e. taciturn f. hurtle
g. agnostic h. caustic i. terse j. uncanny
- A person or thing that causes great trouble or misfortune
- to move or to fling swiftly and with great force
- not fond of talking; usually silent
- weird; strange; so keen or acute as to seem bizarre
- one who deserts one side in favor of another; traitor; outlaw
- biting; stingingly sharp or sarcastic
- brief and to the point
- something justly deserved, especially a punishment
- one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven
- mass departure or emigration
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Comparative Essay
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Prepositions in the Room!
1. Pick a room!
2. Letter Generator!
3. Prepositions List!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Vocab and Writing Assignment AP 10
AP 10 - SAT Vocab 2
connive | v. to cooperate secretly in a wrongdoing |
chutzpah | n. nerve; audacity |
liege | n. a lord, master, or sovereign |
odium | n. hatred |
crass | adj. coarse; tasteless |
hypercritical | adj. overcritical; too severe in judgment |
fallacy | n. a mistaken notion; a misconception |
befuddle complacent | v. to confuse; to perplex adj. self-satisfied, smug |
pandemonium parsimonious | n. a wild disorder, noise, or confusion adj. excessively thrifty; stingy |
verbose | adj. using more words than are needed; wordy |
laudable | worthy of praise; commendable |
indiscreet | adj. not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action |
pique | v. to cause resentment; to provoke |
linguistics | n. the scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language |
plebeian | n. a commoner; one from the lower class |
precocious | adj. showing early development, especially mental |
predatory | adj. inclined to prey on others |
prowess | adj. superior skill or ability |
pugnacious | adj. eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome |
Writer's Notes:
ww - wrong word - choose a different word
awk - awkward phrasing - change order of words
sp - spelling error
col - avoid colloqialisms (use of slang)
ro - run-on sentence (too long)
cs - comma splice (too many commas to connect ideas)
single underline - spelling
triple underline - capitalization error
slash - erase
frag - fragmented sentence or idea (incomplete)
^ - insert word
circled punctuation is wrong
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
PRE AP English 10
What are the biggest differences between English 10 and Pre-AP English 10?
You will read more literature, write more essays, and do more projects.
You are expected to think analytically and apply the knowledge presented.
The curriculum is more rigorous and requires extra effort on your part.
You are expected to fully participate in class activities and discussions.
This class requires an abundance of self-discipline and personal accountability.
What are the similarities between Pre-AP English 10 and English 10?
You are still expected to be prepared for class every day (i.e. homework, reading material, projects, etc. AND school supplies.)
You will still study a variety of literary genres.
You will still prepare for the English 10 Provincial Exams.
Cheating Policy
Instances of cheating and plagiarism are occurring more frequently on high school and college campuses and the consequences are serious. Not only do students lose opportunities to develop their own critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, but they may also dramatically hurt their course grade. The following guidelines will be observed at all times:
Level One Violations include, but are not limited to:
Looking at, or allowing someone else to look at, your own or another paper during an exam, test, or quiz.
Using unauthorized “cheat” notes.
Talking, communicating, or mouthing to another student during any exam, test, or quiz.
Copying work assigned to be done independently, or allowing someone else to copy your own work.
Taking out and/or using a cell phone during any testing situation.
Copying or closely paraphrasing sentences or passages from a source for a paper or for research.
Giving or receiving test information to or from students in other periods of the same teacher or course.
Level Two Violations include, but are not limited to:
Submitting papers taken from the Internet, other publications, or other students.
Submitting individual projects that are not wholly your own work.
Level Three Violations include, but are not limited to:
NOTE: Where appropriate, level three violations may be referred to other disciplinary authorities.
Stealing examinations.
Distributing keys for an examination.
Altering grades on a computer database.
Level ONE and/or TWO consequences include, but are not limited to:
Student receives zero for the assignment.
Teacher notifies parent.
Student must redo test or assignment in school – outside regular class time.
A combination of any of the level violations, or level THREE consequences include, but are not limited to:
Student receives zero for the assignment.
Teacher notifies parent.
Student is referred to the Administration for further disciplinary action, and student may receive a failing grade for the term/course.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Read your HW on your Smartphone
- Search for an application designed by Scribd called, "Float Reader." This application will allow you to subscribe - for free - to my homework links, and read them easily on your smartphone where ever you are!
Monday, May 16, 2011
SS9 Arrival in Canada Unit

Fishbone template -
Player Cards -
Venn Diagram -
Biocube -
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Political Spectrum
Journal title - Canada Votes 2011
Topic question: Where do I stand on the issues?
Major political parties: Liberals, NDP, Green Party, Conservatives, Bloc Quebecois
Follow the link to find your party:
Sunday, April 3, 2011
16:9 Investigative Report: Energy Drinks
1. Do you think commercials and advertisements makes us feel we need things when we really don't?
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would YOU rank how much influence media sources play in your life? EXPLAIN YOUR RESPONSE (1 none - 10 too much)
Post viewing questions:
16:9 Energy Drinks
3. What is your reaction to watching this video report?
4. Has it changed your opinion on energy drinks? Why or why not?
5. Would you revise your answer to question 2, after your responses to question 3 & 4?
6. Do you think media sources have a role in shaping personal views? Explain.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Project Day 1
Pick the season you will be travelling on your trip and find the information that you will need:
1. Transportation Method (one that you'd choose on your trip)
2. Sample menu (one that you would find on a trip to your country)
3. 3 Tourist Attractions (3 that you will be going to)
4. Festivals (At least ONE you wish to attend during the season you will be going)
5. Find the climate (weather) you will encounter in that season of travel.
6. Currency exchange: Follow the link to find the name of your currency and how much 1Cdn dollar is worth in your country: |
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Worst Jobs
Leech Collector
Barber Surgeon
Stone Mason
Treadmill Worker
Rank these jobs from bad to worst and give reasons why.
Wool Trade