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Thursday, May 22, 2008

English 10 Provincial Practice

Your task is to examine a reading and decide on a mark to give to the sample papers provided on the E-Assessment link. Follow the instructions:
1. Locate the link - E-Assessment and click on E-Exams Regular Format - Practice Marking.
2. Click on Marking Materials.
3. Click English 10 2007/08 Training Papers.
4. Read the stories: The True Story of Lake Ontario and Sharon Wood: No Limits.
5. Read sample 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and give a mark on a 6-point scale on a separate sheet of paper, with a brief explanation of your reasoning. DON'T look at the key to determine the marks. You can check it after you are done.


Anonymous said...

Training papers quest marking:

1. I would give the answer to this question a 2 because it is very short and also it does not answer the question properly. Also that person does not give a straight answer.

2. I would give this answer a 2 because first of all the grammar of the answer is very bad, at times it does not make sense. It is very short.

4. I would give this answer a 5 because this person shows that they understand the question they have a detailed answer pretty long. One thing that was not suppose to be there is at the end he/she says that Sharon Wood is a good role to, so the person seems kind of double minded because they say that they are both good role models.

5. I would give this answer a 4 because they show that they understand the question but at times they seem a bit double minded. A little bit more detail would help. Over all it was a long piece of writing compared to the other pieces.

7. I would give this answer a 6 because they have demonstrated that they understand the question and they have answered it with a good amount of writing the only thing that was wrong in the piece of writing was a couple of spelling mistakes.

9. I would give this answer a 5 because the person shows that they understand the story I personally think that the person gives to many examples or quotes from the story, she does say anything of what she thinks it’s all quoted.

Reecha Taneja

Anonymous said...

Training Paper Assessments
Emily Dodd

training paper #1 - 1
I gave it a 1 because i thought ther could have been more to it then just a few sentences.

training paper #2 - 2
I gave training paper a 2 because it descussed in further but the grammer was a little off and there were words missing .It described the ontario more then ther wood one.

training paper #4 - 3
I gave thing training paper a 3 because they debated both sides of why both charecters are a good role modals .But altemetly went with Mayralin.

training paper #5 - 4.5
I gave this training paper 4.5 because i found i good but not quiet a 5 .They debating both sides .

training paper #7 - 6
I gave this paper a 6 because it answars all of the questions askd and some.all grammer was in proper use.

training paper #9 - 6
I gave this one a 6 because it is very descriptive and just plane out well writen.