Write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
1. Click onto the link: http://www.japanesecanadianhistory.net/the_war_years.htm What is your reaction after reading this paragraph?
2. Follow the link: http://www.japanesecanadianhistory.net/rebuilding_and_revival.htm How do you think Japanese Canadians felt about their place in Canada after returning from the internment camps?
3. Read the short paragraph under this link: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/pm.php?id=story_line&lg=English&fl=0&ex=00000191&sl=3424&pos=1 Answer the following question: What was the importance of dress making during the war?
4. Click on the link: http://www.najc.ca/thenandnow/experiencea.php What do you think about Yosh Arai carrying his registration card until his death?
5. Follow the link: http://www.najc.ca/thenandnow/today.php Answer the question: According to Census Canada's 2001 statistics, what is the population of Japanese Canadians?
6. Do a general search on the websites I have provided and copy a link and post it as a comment as your recommended site to visit for this unit of study on the Japanese during WWII. BE sure to write your name on the comment. (BONUS)
7. Continue reading Caged Eagles. Finish Chapter 3.
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