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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Japanese Canadian History

Write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

1. Click onto the link: What is your reaction after reading this paragraph?
2. Follow the link: How do you think Japanese Canadians felt about their place in Canada after returning from the internment camps?
3. Read the short paragraph under this link: Answer the following question: What was the importance of dress making during the war?
4. Click on the link: What do you think about Yosh Arai carrying his registration card until his death?
5. Follow the link: Answer the question: According to Census Canada's 2001 statistics, what is the population of Japanese Canadians?
6. Do a general search on the websites I have provided and copy a link and post it as a comment as your recommended site to visit for this unit of study on the Japanese during WWII. BE sure to write your name on the comment. (BONUS)
7. Continue reading Caged Eagles. Finish Chapter 3.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Time Order Paragraph 2

  1. Click on the Provinvials link to the left.
  2. Read the story on page 12 (Skating Across the Cultural Gap).
  3. Highlight the important parts of the main character's life.
  4. Use transition words to summarize his life.

Aboriginal Writing Postcard

1. Follow the link: and click on "The Authors".
2. Choose one or more short stories and read them by yourself.
3. Scan through the bios and abstracts to choose a story.
4. Comment on the story and answer the following questions in your response:

  • Why did you choose this story?
  • What did you find interesting in the story?
  • Can you relate to the story or stories you've read? Explain.
  • Would you change any part of the story? Explain.
  • Would you add anything in the story? Explain.

5. Use Word to write your paragraph and email it to the teacher by the end of the class.

Writing a Charater Comparison

Follow the links and read the biographies of the two characters provided and begin to write your character analysis:

Friday, November 30, 2007

ESD 10 Writing a Comparison Paragraph

1. Reread the story Skating Across Cultural Gap.
2. Read the story The Kayak.
3. Make a list of comparisons between the two stories.
4. Do question 30 on the Provincials in a word document.
5. Send your final copy to Mr. Chow.

NOTE: see for an example a comparative paragraph.

Assignment ESD 9

1. Vote on the Poll of the Day.
2. Complete lesson 10, 11
3. Voice your opinion on the 2010 mascots.


Click onto the mascots link and use the comments option to voice your opinion on the mascots used for the 2010 Olympics.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Assignment for ESL Tutorial November 28

Go through the writing process and create a time-order paragraph.

Choose one of the following topics to write on:
1. How to study for a test.
2. How to write an essay.
3. Planning a party.
4. Planning a vacation.

The ROUGH draft is DUE on Friday, November 30!

Time-Order Paragraph

1. Brainstorm a list on the topic.

Example. How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

Collect used things in good condition.
Store them in a garage.
Clean everything.
Clean the garage.
Arrange items on the tables.
Borrow tables.
Make signs.
Put the signs up around the neighborhood.
Get change from the bank.
Ask friends to help.
Decide on prices.
Decide on day and time.
Be prepared to bargain.

2. Edit list.

Collect used things in good condition.
Put up signs around the neighborhood.
Get change from the bank.
Make Signs.
Borrow tables.
Be prepared to bargain.

3. List in Time Order.

A. Collect used things in good condition.
B. Borrow tables.
C. Make Signs.
D. Put up signs around the neighborhood.
E. Get change from the bank.
F. Be prepared to bargain.

4. Make an outline and write your draft.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

It's easy to have a successful garage sale if you prepare for it ahead of time.

A. Collect used things in good condition.
I. Arrange items into categories.
1. Toys
2. Electronics
B. Borrow tables.
I. Label where the tables are from.
C. Make Signs.
I. Include details of garage sale.
1. Address.
2. Date and time of garage sale.
D. Put up signs around the neighborhood.
E. Get change from the bank.
F. Be prepared to bargain.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Welcome ESL class!

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