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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Comparative Essay

Follow the link to get more detailed information on how to write a comparative essay.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prepositions in the Room!

Write a letter to your friend and describe your favorite room!

1. Pick a room!

2. Letter Generator!

3. Prepositions List!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vocab and Writing Assignment AP 10

AP 10 - SAT Vocab 2
connivev. to cooperate secretly in a wrongdoing
chutzpahn. nerve; audacity
liegen. a lord, master, or sovereign
odiumn. hatred
crassadj. coarse; tasteless
adj. overcritical; too severe in judgment
fallacyn. a mistaken notion; a misconception
v. to confuse; to perplex
adj. self-satisfied, smug
n. a wild disorder, noise, or confusion
adj. excessively thrifty; stingy
verboseadj. using more words than are needed; wordy
laudableworthy of praise; commendable
indiscreetadj. not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action
piquev. to cause resentment; to provoke
linguisticsn. the scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language
plebeiann. a commoner; one from the lower class
precociousadj. showing early development, especially mental
predatoryadj. inclined to prey on others
prowessadj. superior skill or ability
pugnaciousadj. eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome

Writer's Notes:
ww - wrong word - choose a different word
awk - awkward phrasing - change order of words
sp - spelling error
col - avoid colloqialisms (use of slang)
ro - run-on sentence (too long)
cs - comma splice (too many commas to connect ideas)
single underline - spelling
triple underline - capitalization error
slash - erase
frag - fragmented sentence or idea (incomplete)
^ - insert word
circled punctuation is wrong